
Horses By Cormac: Summary

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In a time period where things are evolving and changing, the Author Cormac portrays John Grady as someone living within the old western “cowboy civilization”. Although John Grady is moving into a much progressive era, he would rather engage himself in the life of the land, cattle and that of his passion, the horses. The world John was used to is becoming more modern and although he is not blind, he is unwilling to give up the past and accept the present. Grady still embraced his desire to be a true cowboy even in his journey to Mexico he attempted to act on that philosophy but the new time and his experiences came to a fore front as he was forced to mature and to proceed through life abiding by the new rules before him. At a young age of 16, John Grady Cole was engulfed in his life which consisted of the country western and included nature and his passion for horses. After the death of his grandfather and his mother deciding to sell the ranch, John knew he would not be able to fulfil his dreams in Texas and decided he needed a change. John Grady realized the only thing for him to do was to leave Texas and go on a quest to Mexico with his cousin Lacey Rawlins in pursuit of a place more suitable for a cowboy. Armed with his determination, Grady and his horse Rebo and Rawlins and his horse JR. set …show more content…

Blevins was also looking to start fresh and get away from his situation. That interaction brought aboard Blevins to the journey and he joined them to Mexico. Although Rawlins wasn’t thrilled about Blevins tagging along, Grady didn’t mind the company and looked at Blevins as someone who needed guidance and someone he would mentor. As they ventured on their journey Blevins turned out to be more trouble than he was worth and Rawlins intuition proved to be correct after the trio was arrested due to Blevins attempting to steal his missing

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