
Hospice Nurse

Decent Essays

I spent a good part of my childhood visiting my grandfather in the hospital. Those will be the best and worst memories of my childhood. I loved going to visit my grandfather but I also hated it. I loved going to the hospital because I loved seeing the doctors and nurses in action. I loved seeing how they handled their patients and I looked up to them because of how they took care of my grandfather. But I also hated going to the hospital because that’s where you would see so many people spending their last few days or hours with their families and that just made me have a mournful feeling deep down in my chest. I have always looked up to my grandfather. I was his right hand man or in this case his “right hand granddaughter.” He was my best friend, my hero and a second father figure growing up because even though he was battling cancer he still was the …show more content…

My grandfather plays a major role in that decision and so does the Hospice nurse that helped care for him. I want to be that nurse that little girls or boys go to when they need answers as to why their mother or father is sick and that they seek comfort in my answers. I want to be that nurse that tells a patient that everything is going to be okay or that they have nothing to worry about. I want to be that nurse that when I go home from working with patients and talking to families that I can’t help but eagerly wait till the next day just to do it all over again. I want to be able to help families understand why their loved one is sick, or be able to see the relief on their faces when I tell them that they are perfectly fine. I want to be that nurse that can help a person understand that they can rely on me and know that I will do anything and everything to help them get better because it’s what I love to do and it’s what I’m meant to do. I want to be a nurse not only in honor for my grandfather but for myself because I can’t see myself doing anything else other than helping

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