
How Did Christopher Columbus Voyage

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In 1451, Christopher Columbus is born In Genoa,Italy. He started Voyaging at young adult age. Christopher traveled the world looking for India, but landed on different countries around the world with modern technology he would have found India much sooner .There are many Technology advances that Christopher didn’t have on his Voyages. However with global positioning system, Satellite, and updated Boat he would have found India sooner. Therefore, even though there many technology advances that Christopher didn’t have on his Voyage but the main three are global positioning system, Satellite, and updated boat.

In Christopher Columbus voyages he had many tools and strategy. Death Reckoning was a Columbus most famous strategy to use. Death Reckoning is used when you pick two points and Measure the distance between the two points. Most of …show more content…

GPS gives the distance without calculation and gives you idea of the weather condition. Quadrant is a down grade to the Gyroscopic Compass. Quadrant helps you find the north but can be effect but earth magnetic field. The Gyroscopic Compass is always pointing to the real northern star and dont use the earth magnetic field to find the northern star. Sunglass was more harder to to keep up with time you had to turn the glass every hour. The ditigal clock is hand free and you dont have to turn it every hour. Columbus had to use his own eye site to delect something but he could only see so far. Radar of would delected something miles away without having to keep watch 24/7 of ships surrounding. Columbus got off course often and had to correct himself but with Long Range Navigation Columbus could of found where his Ship was and got back on course. If Columbus had a Depth Sounder he would of be able to see under the water to make sure he didnt hit nothing and even could see the fish under the water for Columbus could catch them for

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