
How Did John Lasseter Influence Films?

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One way John Lasseter is influencing filmmakers and animators are with his heartfelt story lines. While his success with films is more well known, his real success started with creating short films such as Red’s Dream and Luxo Jr,. Red’s Dream, created in 1987, is arguably one of Lasseter’s most heartfelt short films created, although it never won any awards. This adorable, yet heartbreaking short is sure to make the audience’s hearts feel for the protagonist: a 50% off red unicycle in a bike shop; “The unicycle dreams of appearing in a circus and capturing the love of audience members, but awakens in the shop feeling worse, for having had a glimpse at a better life.” (Price 101-102). By adding no dialogue to this animated short film, it allows the audience to believe that the unicycle …show more content…

Another popular short film is Luxo. Jr, one of Pixar’s most popular shorts ever created. Made just one year before Red’s Dream, this short was the starting point of creating emotion through inanimate objects for Pixar. In a documentary about the history of animation, John Lasseter told the interviewer, “To make an object look like it’s thinking, you need to identify its face and it’s head… For Luxo jr., the light was it’s head, and so I started moving it around like it was alive.” (n.e). Lasseters intelligent ideas of identifying where the face and head of an inanimate object are helps the audience keep track of a character’s thoughts and actions and helps the audience believe as though the character is alive, like it’s a human being, rather than just a Luxo lamp in someone’s home. Everyone goes through a phase in their life where nothing is going right and everything seems just fall apart all at once. The same thing can happen in a

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