
How Did Miles Davis Develop

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Throughout the many years of time, music has been associated with the lives of humans. Ranging from the oldest recorded music in 1888, The Lost Chord, to Motherese, or the way that mothers “sing” to their babies to communicate to them, to our modern music of radio stations blaring our favourite song while we drive from place to place. Music has found its place within human lives, intertwining its existence with ours. Incredibly enough, humans have found a way to harness music with our very hands and create elegant melodies from tools. Beginning with instruments that look like a guitar, instruments that look like a flute and instruments that look like a drum, we began making controlled music with rhythms and harmonies. As years passed and civilization began to grow, musicians came to be. These ancient musicians played music for others on the instruments that they would make and performed for many.
Throughout the years, many musicians have blessed the earth with their musical talents but one particular individual has stuck out for me compared to the others. His legendary story reinvented the very foundation of what jazz music stood on. His incredible jazz playing influenced the lives of many and he is one of the main reasons why jazz culture exploded and grew so much during the 1900s. Miles Dewey Davis III, an incredible trumpet …show more content…

However, being only 17 years old at the time when he got these invitations and he did not yet completed school and Davis’ parents urged him not to leave his academics to follow his musical career. They wanted him to finish his education in school first before he followed his dream of being a jazz trumpet player. Miles put aside his musical career for a brief moment in order to please his parents and finish his education from East St. Louis Lincoln High

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