
How Did The Baby Boom Affect The Economy

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After World War II, America saw a very large and sudden increase in population. The large population growth was a result of the victory of WWII. The soldiers who returned from war and those who didn't leave to fight, were now able to afford and support a family. Only about 6 or 7 years after the great depression and the economy was greatly improving, giving opportunity for families who delayed having children to finally have a family. People finally had the opportunity to live a full family life. The babies born after WWII were later classified as the Baby Boomer generation, because of the baby boom or the large amount of births taking place. The Baby Boomer generation had many effects upon society, the culture, and the economy. Some of the …show more content…

The generation consisted of consumers but not savers (From Savers to Spenders:)1. Baby Boomers used fossil fuels, gas guzzling cars, and neglected to invest or save money. As a result there is possible global warming, significant amount of personal bankruptcies, and the government is in significant debt because it financed an unsustainable government welfare programs. The effect on the current generation may be higher taxes fewer government programs and the cost of dealing with climate change. The Boomers also saw the development of high tech and the erosion of jobs. In addition, many manufacturing jobs went overseas both to South America, China and Japan (How the Baby Boomers Destroyed Everything)2. These jobs are yet to be replaced. Instead of working to replace the lost jobs, Baby Boomers sought help through the government, further placing the government in …show more content…

Due to the civil rights movement, African Americans could vote, could live anywhere and were elected to office, eventually leading to presidency. Their political involvement also helped other countries, ending a cruel political system in South Africa known as Apartheid. They also helped gain equality for women's rights, eventually even leading to women presidential candidate( "27 Amazing Things Baby Boomers Have Done for Humanity." )5. Now, Baby Boomers are the retired generation of Americans. Because they vote in large numbers they have geared changes in the health systems that included changes in medicare. Their influences have lowered medication cost in some instances. Their generation saw an explosion in nursing homes, assisted living centers and home health aides. The Advances in medicine and healthcare has helped them live longer and these advance have carried over into the next generations. In retirement, Baby boomers have enjoyed increased travel. The decreasing cost in tickets and gasoline have made it easier for Boomers to travel cross country and world wide. This created spending on new roads, bridges, and hotels, which further helped the economy and job industry. In addition many Boomers spend their time volunteering for soup kitchens and other charitable causes. While Baby Boomers have aged and more have begun relying on social security, the annual government spending for it has risen heavily. By

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