
How Did The Great Depression Affect The United States

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• The United States Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, making it impossible for the United States to join the League of Nations.
• The German government made on payment of reparations to France, but the following year it announced it could not make any more payments due to financial crisis.
• A depression ended the short period prosperity that began in 1924.
•Cause of the Great Depression:
- Several nations experienced economic downturns as prices for farm products fell due to overproduction.
- An international financial crisis occurred when the U.S. stock market crashed and U.S. investors withdrew money from Germany.
•Germany and other European nations’ banks became weak. Trade slowed, industrial production declined, and unemployment rose. …show more content…

- The United States elected Franklin Delano Roosevelt as president. He pursued a policy of active government intervention in the economy known as the New Deal.
• Benito Mussolini crated the first European fascist movement in Italy.

• In 1922 Mussolini became prime minister of Italy. He outlawed all political parties and established a secret police that could arrest anyone for political or nonpolitical

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