
How Did The New Deal End The Great Depression

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In the 1930’s America faced a time of economical crisis that will become known as the Great Depression. It started with the stock market crash in 1929. Some stocks were being traded at 50 times their actual worth and it lost 12 times the money that the federal government uses in a year (Source A). 80% of American families had no money is savings and were unable to support their families (Source A). Banks became unstable and in the last 60 days of 1930, 600 banks closed and by 1933, 28 states had no banks. (Source A). By 1932 12 million people were unemployed and 34 million had no source of income (Source A.) During this time President Herbert Hoover was in office and he believed in having a small federal government and that in time the economy would eventually fix itself. Hoover planned to give money to the big businesses so they would hire people and give them a source of income so they could buy good and give the businesses money and the cycle would continue (Source B). The public became outraged at the plan and in 1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt replaced him as President. Roosevelt came up with a plan called “The New Deal” to fix the Great Depression and it would provide many Americans with jobs and give help to many …show more content…

In the New Deal FDR’s plan was formatted so that the public would be able to earn money that they could spend it on goods, which in turn would provide the businesses with more money and then they could hire more workers and then they cycle would continue. By providing the farmers with electricity they could preserve their crops for longer and buy goods that run on electricity. Also by paying them not to grow certain crops they managed to balance out supply and demand. Finally by giving jobs to hobos the men were able to earn money that would help them support the families and put more money into the

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