
How Does Bertrand Russell Relate To Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher, mathematician, and political activist. He studied philosophy and mathematics in college and was hired to give lectures at Trinity College. When World War I began, so did his political activism. In 1918, he wrote an article criticising the England’s part in the War and promoting peace. As a result, he was sent jail and removed from his position at Trinity. After he was released from jail, he began to travel the world giving lectures, and was eventually accepted back to Trinity. In 1950, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature and continued to give lectures on math and philosophy until his death in 1970. Throughout his life, he argued that war only causes more problems and that peace is the best solution. …show more content…

In the early twentieth century, England was in the midst of World War I, where millions of people were dying, yet the world continued to fight. This relates to Montag’s world because the U.S. is fighting within itself, yet no one seems to realize how many innocent people are dying as a result. Russell relates to Montag because they both were willing to risk their well being for the well being of others. Like Montag, Russell saw the destruction and misery going on in the world and decided he must stop it. His solution to stopping the violence was through literature, which he passed on to others. Montag also decided that he must take action through literature, formulating a plan to plant books in the houses of firemen. Russell’s goal in publishing his pamphlets was to wake people up from their indifference to the horrific things happening on the battlefield and realize that the deaths were trivial. As a result, the government imprisoned him, and it cost him his job. Montag attempted to share his book with Mildred’s friends, and he too lost his job and his home. Through these adversities, neither man stopped, and both started over again in hopes of reaching their goal. If Montag’s life continues to follow the same course as Bertrand Russell’s, then he too may someday be respected for the work that he has

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