
How Does Cyberterrorism Affect Our Critical Infrastructures

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This research project will answer how cyberterrorism will affect our critical infrastructures along with ways of mitigating this event from occurring as well as our government efforts to educate the private and public sectors by qualitative research. Since the war on terrorism came into effect after 9/11 our nation has implemented various protection measures ranging from PPD’s, EO’s, and the creation of cyber security programs for our nation’s protection. We are facing a new threat from the cyber world which allows our enemies to attack from various parts of the world by pushing a button to inflict damage to our nation’s information technology systems. This threat is one which political figures have warned the U.S. government about for years …show more content…

With the dependency of computers we are entertaining a new threat to our nation as well as virtual warfare between terrorist and terrorist groups. By doing so we are integrating our critical infrastructures to this threat. The existence of cyber-terrorism does exist with the possibilities of infiltrating our critical infrastructures although to date there have been no known cyber-attacks on our critical infrastructures. Within my research paper we will review the various types of cyber-terrorism associated with causing catastrophic damage to our CI’s ranging from the internet, and cyber-attacks. The word cyberterrorism brings fear to our nation and the security of information technology which most have no idea of the implications such an attack would bring to our economy. With many terrorist cells being associated with small independent groups the use of the internet enables larger terrorist groups to communicate with them to achieve their common goal of intimidation from afar. The use of the internet is less expensive in attacking methods compared to traditional terrorist methods, also readily …show more content…

government are taking for our critical infrastructures are necessary for Americans everyday life as well as the wealth of our nation. This is due to the advancement of the cyber world and how we have advanced in technology. The upgrade of facilities has caused our nation to ensure cyber security has as well with vulnerability assessments. As a country with a growing dependency on technology the threat from terrorist organization and other adversaries have an increasing chance of infiltrating our nation’s cyber space causing disruption to our everyday life. Due to the importance of our critical infrastructures, we as a nation will continue to attract threats trying to shut down our society with extremist groups and terrorist groups. The qualitative research approach was the main structure for this paper impart of the human behavior for their actions of committing terrorist acts. Researchers and scholars have conducted analysis on the effects of terrorist attacks on our nation’s critical infrastructures as well as data from cyber-attacks against our government. All of which federal agencies have adopted in their vulnerability

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