
How Does Music Affect Personal Identity?

Decent Essays

It is believed that humans are more than 99% identical in their genetic makeup.

Yet somehow, we are all so different when identifying ourselves because of the different

identities, cultures, and groups we belong to. Music plays a key role in realizing your

own sense of identity as it allows one to have multiple identities. Music can allow for

multiple identities because it is possible to like more than one type of music and belong

to different groups. As a Sikh, the idea of religion, heritage, and especially culture is

really important to me. Kirtan, which is a special kind of music, is based on ancient

hymns and is rather a call-and-response chanting often used to meditate. Growing up,

one tends to develop habits which define …show more content…

One involves

interacting with other peers and colleagues while the latter involves not socializing with

anyone and being in your own zone. Music's ability to make that happen is astounding

and that is the beauty of it.

To answer the last part of this assignment honestly, listening to music is not

really important to me and I do not think that will ever change. Although music plays a

big role in one's identification and helps bring people together culturally and through

habits, I do not think listening to music is that important because I can probably live

without it. If you tell me that I can not listen to music for the rest of my life, I would

probably be really upset. However, that will not be the end of the world for me as long

as I have the basic needs that every organism needs: air, food, water, light, and shelter.

It may seem silly but that is just the way I think about it. Listening to music is fun and

enjoyable, but life does not revolve around it, for me at least. Granted, I have never

been to a concert and do not intend to be present at one. Despite that fact, I seem to be

doing fine because it is not really important to

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