
How Does Othello Love Desdemona

Decent Essays

Sacrifice Essay

Emilia, a strong independent woman, was married to a manipulative power seeking liar, but that didn’t stop her from showing her true morals and asserting dominance in the end. Emilia helps contribute to the meaning of the work, when she betrays Iago’s trust and stands up for Desdemona, making the ultimate sacrifice of her trustworthiness, and her life. Although loyal to her husband in the beginning, Emilia’s loyalty was questionable when she started conversing with Desdemona. Iago never directly asked Emilia to steal the handkerchief for him, but he has mentioned his want for it. When Emilia sees Desdemona drop it she seizes the opportunity to please her husband. These actions could be seen as the opposite of everything Emilia …show more content…

When she realizes what a horrible man he was she would rather die with Desdemona than continue living with him. In Act V when Emilia first hears of the manipulation put out by her husband she is completely shocked. Although the signs were all there since the beginning her kind soul never saw the evil inside him. Although she was shocked she believed Othello when he told her, even after he had just killed her best friend. This shows that there has always been a strain in the relationship between Iago and Emilia, just waiting to unravel. When Emilia repeatedly says “my husband” in Act V it represents her pure shock and guilty feeling of Desdemona’s death.
Emilia’s first act of unselfishness sacrifice is when she completely slandered her husband calling him a “pernicious soul” and that he should rot for his crimes. These words are what got her into danger. Immediately Othello draws his sword on her because of her loyalty and shock, and willingness to speak the truth. After belittling her husband she goes on to bash the man with the sword calling him “as ignorant as dirt” and “o gull”. Her courageousness shines a light on her flawless character and just how devoted she was to her

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