
How Food Affect My Lifestyle Test

Decent Essays


How can food affect my lifestyle test? (With answers highlighted)

1. What is malnutrition?
Fruit and vegetables
any disorder brought on by improper diet.
Your weight under 100 Lbs

2. How can we help malnutrition in all countries?
Provide proper foods to those in need
Spread information on how much and what food you should consume
Lower prices on healthy foods.

3. What is the most common illness in america?
Vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency


4. What is BMI?
Brain mammal insides
Body mass indians
Body mass index
Breaking mixing insects

5. What is BMI?
A number that is a measurement …show more content…

4. What are the primary sources of microbial contamination?
The primary sources of microbial contamination are soil, air, animal feed, animal hides and intestines, plant surfaces, sewage, and food processing machinery or utensils

5. What is bacteria? unicellular organisms that have a simple internal structure compared with the cells of other organisms.

6. How much can a single cell produce? a single cell can produce almost 70 billion cells in 12 hours.

7. What are the two most important or worse microorganisms in food spoilage?
Yeast and molds

8. Give the definition of molds and …show more content…

They reproduce by cell division (binary fission) or budding

9. What are common methods to reduce or kill microorganisms?
The most common methods used either to kill or to reduce the growth of microorganisms are the application of heat, the removal of water, the lowering of temperature during storage, the reduction of pH, the control of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations, and the removal of the nutrients needed for growth.

10. What are enzymes?
Enzymes are large protein molecules that act as biological catalysts, accelerating chemical reactions without being consumed to any appreciable extent themselves.

11. What is the maillard reaction?
Maillard reaction. This reaction takes place between reducing sugars (simple monosaccharides capable of carrying out reduction reactions) and the amino group of proteins or amino acids present in foods

12. What can influence the chemical reaction that leads to food spoilage?

13. What are ways we could improve ours and others lifestyles by the food we

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