
How Globalization Effects Hrm Essay

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How Globalization effects HRM The term Globalization has invaded the mind of every successful businessman and the concept of Global Village is a common issue in the modern business world. What really the globalization is? The answer seems simple "if a firm or an organization expands its sales or production beyond the national boundaries, then it is globalization", but it does not cover the real meaning of the term. Globalization actually means more, much more than that; it is realizing that there is a big world out there, geographically, that reaches far beyond our small community and that the world is getting closer to us all the time. Globalization is the realization that, whether we like it or not, this big world is becoming an ever increasing factor in our daily lives. The concept of globalization today has invaded the globe and the national boundaries have been virtually eliminated. So what is the effect of this? Simple, the world today has became a small but a very very complex and dynamic neighborhood. Today we live in a global village and this means that our activities have crossed the national boundaries to become global. Globalization symbolizes the structural making of the world characterized by the free flow of technology and human resources across national boundaries presenting an ever-changing and competitive business environment. A vital aspect of globalization is the way diverse challenges are being faced by nations in an increasingly inter dependent

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