
How Old Was The New Constitution Dbq

Decent Essays

James Madison ensured that the American government did not become a Tyranny by writing a new Constitution. The Articles of Confederation became a problem for the United States because they did not work. So in 1787, 55 delegates were called to Philadelphia for a Constitutional Convention. They faced the challenge of creating a new Constitution that could hold the federal government and the states government together without letting any one person gain too much power. The new Constitution guarded against Tyranny by using federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances and fair representation in Congress.
America’s power was first split into two separate governments between a central government and a state government. These two governments each had powers of their own, as well as powers that they shared. The state was given the power of setting up local governments, holding elections, establishing schools, passing marriage and divorce laws, and regulating in-state businesses. The central government was given the power of regulating …show more content…

There are big states and small states, and the small states felt that they were not being represented fairly. This is when the New Jersey Plan was made. There would be a House of Representatives which was based on population. The Constitution state in Article 1, Section 2 that “representatives… shall be apportioned… according to… (population)...” (Document D). There was also the Senate, and there would be two representatives from each state. The Constitution stated “The senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state…” (Document D). This was fight between big states and small states for equal representation and this was a fair compromise for everyone. No one state or person is able to gain too much power this way and everyone is fairly

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