
Essay about How To Be A Good Employee

Decent Essays

Being a good employee is essential in today’s world, especially in these tough economic times when there are many seeking work. Consequently, it is important to keep in mind that no employee is irreplaceable. While hearing many complain these days about his or her job, one just needs to look around and be thankful that they have the means in which to survive and are able to work. There are many who are not only unemployed, but also unable to perform due to illness or a disability. Sometimes when a person is feeling in a mood to complain, they may need to sit back, relax and take a look around in order to appreciate what they have, and learn how to be a good employee.

Being a good employee means caring about your job and your company. In …show more content…

Staying to finish the job or at least reach a stopping point will not be that much of a delay. If it is impossible to stay later, then you should plan your day more effectively
Do not call in sick unless you are, or take for granted that you can call in a vacation day spontaneously. Vacations and personal time should be scheduled. When you are out, your job is delegated to others, and having to take on unexpected responsibilities without being prepared can affect production or productivity, as well cause stress and conflict among others.
Be that employee who, when someone asks you to do something, will feel confident that the job will be done, and done right, without a doubt. Dependability goes a long way in the workforce, and having the reputation of being the employee that everyone can count on is a compliment.

*Be respectful
This means to respect others as you would want them to respect you. If you ask someone for help and they concur, do not steal the credit for their work. On the other hand, if what they helped you with is unintentionally wrong, do not blame them or yell at them, as they were only trying to help you out. Never cut someone else down in front of others, yell at them or point out their bad qualities.
Do not gossip, or fall in to the trap of one who does. Gossip can destroy a person and ruin their career, and is something that is easy to fall in to.

*Use time wisely
Plan your day, have an agenda of things to

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