
Hum/111 Week 1 Assignment

Decent Essays

In this activity we were given three separate tasks based on one theme. The first activity we were given was to form five questions that we could ask a specific person that we knew. The questions had to be based on a journey that a specific person has either been on or had been taken part in. Once we had formed these questions our second task we had to complete was to interview the specific person that you based your questions on. We had to ask the questions that we created to them and then we had to record their answers. Our third and final activity we had to complete was to turn the interview and answers that we were given into a story based on our subjects journey. We had to change the interview into a story which meant that we had to change the interview into past tense. We also had to put the interview together into sentences rather than questions and answers.

I. Interpret …show more content…

I found out many things about my fathers trip to Africa. The information I received included Why he decided to go to Africa, when he went to Africa and how long for, who was also apart of the trip to Africa, If it was hard going to a country where nobody spoke English and what he though of the trip overall. The most interesting piece of information I discovered from my father was that he wanted to go to Africa purely because he wanted to see that wild animals on the outside tours. These things I found out not only gave me a very good understanding on his trip to Africa but also allowed me to want to attend Africa

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