
Human Security And National Security

Decent Essays

Too often, the notion/concept of national security is “misinterpreted” and made too narrow. It’s a common belief of many that national security only entails the protection of states borders from outside threats. In recent times, this seems to not be the case, since the dangers that states faces now threatens the life of the individual, therefore, protection of the citizens, their wellbeing, and the laws of the land becomes a priority which links it or makes it human security. States like the US are adjusting their foreign policies to fit this new human security as national security approach. Also, with the world becoming a small global village, states are using less military force to settle dispute. They are reducing the amount of violence they use against one another. Everyone seems to be embracing the notion of peace rather than war and I believe this is so because nations do not want to go back to the hostility and instability of the Cold War era. Using the United States foreign policies (past and current) regarding terrorism, I will be analyzing how they fit or do not fit into the spectrum of human security as national security.
According to Roland Paris, human security does not have one explicit definition. Different nations and organization define this concept differently; each according to its view, policies, interests, and goals. Paris compared the concept to standard developmental goals, in the sense that though most (if not all) nations desire it, only a few knows

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