
Identity Theft Myths

Decent Essays

Debunking the myths of Identity Theft

Identity theft is a fast growing white-collar crime that is gaining the notoriety of an epidemic. There is a wealth of information on identity theft and prevention yet this area of crime is developing rapidly and is shrouded in myths.

Here is a list of truths that demystify the myths surrounding Identity Theft.

Myth 1 - I am always careful and I will not fall victim to identity theft.
Truth - It’s not that simple.
The mode of operation for stealing someone’s identity is fast evolving. Just being careful is not enough. You need defense. Criminals have a lot to gain with very little effort when executing this crime. Criminal organizations spend plenty of time and money to find newer and more efficient ways to steal someone’s …show more content…

My information is safe.
Truth – More than half of identity theft happens offline.
Stolen Social Security cards, driver’s licenses, skimmed debit cards and dumpster diving are some of the main reasons for identity theft.

Myth 6 – Shredding documents will keep me safe
Truth – Sometimes identity theft is committed by family members, friends, roommates and others who have access to your documents before it goes for shredding.
It is best to request a temporary stop mail with your local post office while you are out of town. While at home, keep your mail out of sight and keep important documents locked.

Myth 7 : Identity theft only affects adults.
Truth: A staggering number of children are victims of identity theft each year.
Children have no credit history. That makes their identity more desirable in the Dark Web. Also it takes a long time for the victim to realize that they have been a victim of identity theft. Its only when a child is applying for a driver’s license or applying for a student loan they realize someone has been misusing their identity for years.

Myth 8 : Privacy settings on social media will keep my information

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