
If Cotton Was King, Then Strawberry Was Queen Short Story

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If Cotton was King, then Strawberry was Queen

(Page 1 Scene: little-girl sleeping on her bed)

"Rise and shine, Anna," Momma called from the doorway, "We are meeting Great Grandma at the strawberry patch this morning.”

“Strawberries and Grandma?!” Anna jumped out of the bed, quickly dressing.

(Page 2: Scene of Momma and Anna at the kitchen table with strawberry covered biscuits on their plates with a glass of milk)

"Good morning, Sunshine," Momma said, as Anna took a seat in front of a hot biscuit covered in strawberries. "How many buckets of strawberries are we picking today?" Anna asked.

"We picking three gallons for us and see how many Grandma needs," Momma replied. Momma and Anna finished their breakfast and headed for the car.

(Page 3: Scene-Little girl greeting great grandmother at the u-pick it stand...grandmother has buckets in her hand.)

"Grandma!" Anna exclaimed when she saw her great grandmother gathering berry buckets at the u­pick farm stand. "How's my little Anna?" Grandma asked as Anna hugged her. "Great!' Anna smiled.

"Here's you a bucket to pick strawberries in, one for me and one for your Mother. We'd better get started before it gets too hot."

"I'm ready!" beamed Anna.

(Page 4: Scene...the three are picking strawberries in a row of strawberries)

Grandma, Momma and Anna walked to the flag that signaled where to begin picking in the long row of bright red ripe strawberries and began to pick.

"These sure are nice big berries,” mused Grandma.

"They taste good too," said Anna as she bit into one.

"They are a lot bigger than when I was your age, Anna"

(Page 5: Scene- loading crates of berries onto train cars)

"You had strawberries when you were a little girl?!" Considered, Anna.

“Why, yes! We did have strawberries when I was a girl. In fact, we picked strawberries for the trains," Grandma answered.

'The trains?” Anna was puzz1ed, Why would trains need strawberries?" Anna inquired.

"Everyone grew a patch of strawberries and would hire people to he1p pick them to take to market.

We had to work fast and gentle so as not to bruise the berries and get them to the broker as quick as we could after picking so that they could get to the consumer while they were still good."

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