
Illegal Immigration

Good Essays

English 102

25 June 2013
Illegal Immigration Illegal Immigration has been a problem for a very long time now in the United States. It has also been a very controversial subject for as long as I can remember. Illegal immigration goes back hundreds and thousands of years. Living in such an anti-illegal immigration state has been tough, there is always something about illegal immigration laws going on, and politics talking about it and the saddest part families being separated, daily. In 1882 President Chester A. Arthur banned all Chinese immigration to the United States. Shortly after that he banned prostitutes and criminals from coming into the US. He eventually ended up banning mentally ill as well. Although this only …show more content…

Reagan thought that the illegal immigration population was small and he thought he could fix it with this but unfortunately it failed, and only led to so much more illegal aliens entering the United States. Next, President Clinton made an effort to fight illegal immigration. Clinton is still known today for putting the most effort into controlling illegal immigration. But unfortunately it was a lot harder than he had thought and there was not much he could do. By the time he had left office there were at least 7 million illegal immigrants in the United States. When President George Bush entered office for his eight terms illegal immigration was at one of the highest points in history. Approximately 10 to 20 million illegal immigrants were living in the United States. Bush did a decent job on cracking down on illegal immigrants, whom were working in the United States illegally. Bush enforced employers reporting illegal immigrants working in the United States, illegally. Bush deported and arrested hundreds of illegal immigrants. Even today over 1.5 million illegal immigrants enter the United States illegally per year. The population of illegal immigration only continues to grow as the years go by, and rapidly. I have followed the immigration subject for many years now. Since Jan Brewer signed the SB 1070 in Arizona to when Barack Obama gave his executive order and ordered a Deferred Action to DREAMers whom are students in the United States that were brought to

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