
Immigration And Open Immigration Policy Essay

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On November 10, 2015, two National Economic Experts argued on “what the U.S. Immigration policy should be?” Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies argued against open immigration, while Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst for the CATO Institute argued in favor of freer immigration. Reporter Jonathan Gonzalez of 9News Denver moderated the debate. The argument made by both experts was supported by strong evidence even though the ideas appear to be on two extreme ends with no middle ground ideas or compromises. At one extreme there is a need to reduce or stop immigration while the other extreme advocates for open borders. Even though Immigration has been an important part of American history, recently it has become a contentious issue, which is mostly about borders or no borders, and does not take in to account the macroeconomic aspect of this movement. The two experts argue on how the U.S. immigration program needs to adjust by scaling back or blocking further immigration vs. open immigration policy consistent with American values that promotes free-market economy.
One of the debate question was about the increase in population from immigration It was estimated that population will increase up to 35 percent in 50 years from immigration only. Alex Nowrasteh argued that throughout history the U.S. adult immigrant population has never been over 15 percent. He asked, “what if the U.S. stopped all immigration in the 1800s, what will be

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