
Immigration During The United States

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Immigration In The U.S.

Immigrants have existed since human evolution began 50,000 years ago. Migration contains many benefits for everyone. Immigrants help keep the economy balanced; both financially and naturally, They help keep the human population balanced, and allow knowledge to be spread. Immigrants are not always treated as nicely though and many do not believe that immigrants are useful to the economy. Immigration is defined as people who move to a new country where they are not considered to be natives or possess citizenship. Immigrants can be legal; having come into the country following the correct process to be allowed into the country; and illegal. Illegal immigrants usually sneak into the country. Immigrants from cuba for …show more content…

The spear points found at this site have been dated to be 13,500 years old. These new Americans began colonizing the new world between 15,000 and 18000 years ago. From the Clovis people Native American tribes formed throughout the continent. Aztecs, Incas, and Anasazi where are the most famous for having settled farther south. Cherokee, sioux, navajo, hopi, chinook are the most famously known for having settled in North America. (Found "Early Settlements." The Human Journey: Early Settlements in America. And Harris, Richard. "Ancient DNA Ties Native Americans From Two Continents To Clovis.", and"Land Bridge Theory." Land Bridge Theory )
The 16th Century saw the migration of Europeans to the America’s and the land struggle between three countries; England, France, and Spain. Europeans had migrated in search of Wealth, land, and spices. They also hoped to spread christianity and open up new trade ways. Once Countries began claiming land in the America’s, colonists set out to settle the land. As settlements grew, wars between the countries seeking a claim to land, as well as war between the

Picking 3 first inhabitants; the Indians. Eventually colonists from england came to own most of North America shoving Indians west.
The United states formed from the Colonists originally from England, they won their independence from their mother country, and being immigrants to the land, they offered

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