
Immigration Helps America Essay

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Immigration Helps America
Immigration can be defined as passing foreigners to a country and making it their permanent residence. Reasons ranging from politics, economy, natural disasters, wish to change ones surroundings and poverty are in the list of the major causes of immigration in both history and today. In untied states, immigration comes with complexities in its demographic nature. A lot of cultural and population growth changes have been witnessed as a result of immigration. In the following paper, I will focus on how immigration helps United States as compared to the mostly held view that it hurts America.
The numbers of immigrants to United States has risen from thousands to a record high of one million immigrants by the year …show more content…

Their pursuit for higher education lands them in this country. The argument is that the US has better space and environment to perform technological innovations, but in the process, they decide to settle down. These people are an asset to the economy of United States. Allowing these hardworking people to work in United States will help the country a big deal. In addition, the immigrants make a wide consumer base for United States thus, providing ready market for the internally produced goods thus boosting the economy (Borjas).
For any person to be held in high esteem by others, the person must contribute to the lives of others positively. Poverty has griped most parts of the world. In trying to run away from this poverty, many have decided to become immigrants in untied states. This helps put up a strong case that untied states is a nation for all. Where the poor are fed and these without shelter since one. With such a message to the world, the tem United States mission would be supported by most of the countries. For example, the global goal of eliminating terrorism has become America’s central goal especially after the September 11th attacks. This has been supported by most countries because of the high esteem at which they hold United States. From this, it can be seen that United States stand on immigration helps it a lot as opposed to a widely held perception that immigration hurts

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