
Immigration Thesis

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Here in the Rio Grande Valley immigration has become the hit. An immigrant in my own words is someone from a different country that travels to an alternative country permanently for a better life. I belief they are many unlike reasons why people live in their country but cross to another country. Actually, I’m not in immigrant, I’m a US citizen but I have experienced many stories and seen families struggle from this situation. Nevertheless, to my own experience, some people move to the US to find better jobs, but some move to different counties to look forward not only to better their education but their children’s as well. In this research paper I will be pointing out the important factors and expectations of illegal immigrants in the US, …show more content…

It’s true; immigrants are flooding our nation to live off billions and billions of tax dollars. We all live in society which is made of immigrants from different cultures. It is understandable that Americans have forged this country and will continue to open at hands with a variety of ethnic groups. Immigration is the blame that the innocent of accepting reality and dealing with factors involving our economic system, wages, unemployment rates. Americans have not yet learned to stop blaming immigrants for our own problems, we being nation of immigrants as well. Immigration is not a mean of ending an economic problem here in the United States, but fairly effective means of blame and a tool to supplement discrimination. I do agree that we have a lot of immigrants crossing every day just to start a new life. Yes we should stop it, but the ones that are here are fighting to continue their education and their children. What they do is get there residency to be here for time. Last year president Obama ordered to postpone deportation for two years for young immigrants who came across the United States as minors (Obama). In my belief we should encourage the congress to move forward with this process rather than trying to anticipatory executive …show more content…

Not only us but everyone should eliminate the many reasons why people enter the U.S. illegally. Of course they come to work and get jobs. So what should we do as a society? I think we should fight back and strike until the government or even the President organizes the law and passes some sort of law that can better the illegal people that are living in the United States. We don’t want to see young kids be taken away from parents that have not done anything all their lives. Should we become even stricter in immigration enforcement? I think we should to a certain expectation. Law enforcement should be in the look for those who are crossing illegally with drugs and are coming to the U.S. with the criminal backgrounds just killing poor people that have not done anything in life. Are we doing more harm? In inference the narrowing of borders will slow the illegal immigration, but there is no solution until the president comes up with a deal for this undocumented people. People still will come and they will find many solutions to cross illegally. Another way to for the population to stop growing, we must balance so that in the future we have a world to share and equally between our society and the environment. In order for this to come across, we must look and think beyond for instance our borders, and the future that hold ahead of us. This problem will disappear into our past. We all know that Mexican is in

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