
Impact Of Global Warming On The Nesting Of Loggerhead Sea Turtles

Better Essays

Dana McCormick

Title: Impacts of Global Warming On The Nesting Of Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Global warming is a huge threat to many species. It is a much larger threat to species that experience temperature sexual determination. Loggerhead sea turtles are one of many marine species the explicate temperature sexual determination. In order to survive increasing temperature changes due to global warming, loggerhead sea turtles must adapt to the environment to enhance their rate of survival being that they are already an endangered species. To produce a higher hatchling success rate, behavioral adaptations in loggerhead sea turtles may be altered in terms of nesting phenology. Over the years, natural occurring events, such as nesting and migration, have been altered due to the increase in temperature. Many climatic factors such as air temperature, sand temperature, and sea level affect the nesting behaviors of loggerhead sea turtles. The use of satellites and other tools were used to measure the different climatic variables that affect the nesting sites. Results show sea turtles are adapting to the change in climate by altering the timing of nesting, and relocating nesting sites.
With the increase in temperature, global warming is becoming more of a threat to many plants and animals (McCarty, 2001). In the past 100 years, the temperature has increased by 0.6° C. In North America, the temperature is expected to have a gradual increase of 0.3° C to

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