
Impact of Alcohol Use on American Society Essay

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Alcohol is a drug that is classified as a central nervous system depressant. There are three forms of alcohol, beer, wine and distilled spirits. Alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs in the United States and has more adverse effects that most other drugs combined. There are many aspects to consider when thinking about alcohol as a drug. There are many myths surrounding alcohol, including who uses it, what its effects are on users, social and sexual situations and the amounts people drink. The vast majority of the American population uses alcohol and in many various ways and this also causes different effects. Alcohol is also has a great causation in crimes committed by users, social, medical, and educational problems as a result …show more content…

A myth that many college age users like to believe is that there are numerous ways we can speed up the process of becoming sober. These commonly believed methods include, drinking coffee, taking a cold shower or exercising. There is only one way that a drinker can sober up and that is to let the liver breakdown the alcohol. This process can differ in people depending on their individual rate of metabolism, but overall this is a slow process that requires a significant amount of time and cannot be sped up by outside means. Another commonly accepted myth and one that is often encouraged is that drinking hard liquor will get you drunk faster than drinking beer. In fact, the amount of alcohol in one beer is equal to the amount of alcohol in one shot of hard liquor, (U.S. Department of Health, 1977). Although many of these myths would be beneficial to our drinking experiences, they are all in fact false and users of alcohol must be aware of them.
Alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs in the United States today. Sixty-three percent of Americans over the age of 18 said they have consumed alcohol at least once in the past year, (National, 2001). A survey, conducted by the Core Institute, of 55,026 college students, ranging from freshmen to seniors to non-seeking degree students, from across the United States showed that 84.1% of students consumed alcohol at least once a year and that 72.1% of students

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