
Implementing An Expensive Program For A Successful Snap Program

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As mentioned, the program lacks the technical ability to track user purchases. Without the ability to track, the program becomes ambiguous. Moreover, without the ability to track actual purchases, the government is left to draw its own conclusions. Again, insight to the user’s purchase would not only allow for it to promote nutrition, the main goal of the program, but also show how the money is being spent.
Nonetheless, in order for the program to be considered a success, it needs to be revamped. This, of course, is not a simple task to accomplish. The steps to revamping such an expensive program is going to require major technological solutions. The key to having a successful SNAP program that meets the predetermined criteria includes; implementing a unified point of sale system (POS), storing data in the cloud, and upgrading their data warehouse.
Point of Sale System (POS)
A point of sale system is a computerized network operated by a main computer and linked to several checkout terminals (Point, 2015). With it, it would allow for the tracking of usage, analyze inventory levels item-by-item, and record each sale as it happened. Our recommendation to which POS system the government should mandate its SNAP retailers is SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service (SLEPOS). This is similar to the one Wal-Mart used to revolutionize their inventory program. Some of the system’s key features include (What, 2015);
• Graphical user interface for creating and managing images.
• Easy

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