
Importance Of Biodiversity

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One of the most important parts about of earth is the vast biodiversity. As defined by the American Museum of Natural History biodiversity “refers to the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystems, and can encompass the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life. Biodiversity includes not only species we consider rare, threatened, or endangered but also every living thing – from humans to organisms we know little about, such as microbes, fungi, and invertebrates.”(1) The biodiversity of our planet is a fundamental part of every ecosystem that exists. Without biodiversity, crucial parts of our ecosystems are lost. The value of biodiversity extends beyond just what the types of life on earth are, but each and every species possess a role in their ecosystem, whether that be as a predator, prey, or performing certain activities that stabilize their ecosystem. As humans, we depend heavily on biodiversity as a means of food, for materials, medicine, along with many other direct and indirect purposes. In this day and age, at my biodiversity conservation organization, I am interested in the biodiversity of Australia. The continent of Australia is home to more than 80% of wildlife that is unique to their continent. Australia being the 6th largest country in the world, has many unique ecosystems and biodiversity that must be conserved.
As I stated before, Australia is home to more than 80% of wildlife which is entirely unique to them,

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