
In-Home Care Research Paper

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How to Approach Your Elderly Family Member About the Need For In-Home Care Services It is becoming increasingly more common for elderly people to choose to age at home. Unfortunately, it is also common for older adults to find it difficult to talk to others about any health issues they may be experiencing, which makes it difficult for their family members to know what is going on. Not only is it difficult for your elderly loved ones to acknowledge that they may need help with their daily activities, but often it’s even more difficult to introduce them to the idea of in-home care services for help. If you think your elderly family member can benefit from in-home care, here are a few tips on how to approach the subject. Focus on Their Independence When approaching the topic of in-home care, explain why in-home care services are a great way for your loved one to maintain their independence in their own home. This may be easier said than done, so be prepared with a few examples, such as addressing a situation where they may have fallen. Discuss what could happen if they fall again, such as if they are home alone and the fall leads to a broken bone, which could result in hospitalization, possible surgery and/or a lengthy recovery. This method can also be used if they frequently forget to take medications, struggle getting in and …show more content…

For instance, gently bring up the fact that having an in-care service provider is a much better option than moving to an assisted living center; home care will allow them to remain at home, which is less costly and they will have one-on-one attention. Also, point out benefits, such as the home care provider will be able to drive them where they want/need to go, so they no longer have to wait until it is convenient for a family member to drive them. Other benefits you could point out may

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