
Income Disparities In The United States

Decent Essays

The Gap Between Us

In the United States, there is a huge income disparity between the richest ten percent, and bottom ninety percent. The American tax, and political system favors the top 10% while neglecting the middle and working classes, suppressing living wages and exporting jobs overseas. A society where working 40 hours a week will not put food on the table. If the average hardworking American is working endless hours to try and support their families which is just slightly above the poverty line, while groups of 400 individuals, who are heads of the top 500 companies and financial institutions, who if even work, is less than 108 days a year, and are proud owners of 50% of U. S’s entire wealth. This is the reality of the United …show more content…

However since mid1980s the transfer of wealth from the middle class and poor to the richest has increase due to Regan’s policies of dismantling Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal social welfare programs to embrace what Regan called “Tinkled Economics” that would favor special interest groups, and Fortune500 companies. The idea was that if taxes were cut to companies and top ten percent, it will allow for these companies to invest their newly freed capital into more human resources that will allow for job growth. Along with less corporate regulation that would inspire companies to stay in the United States. These polices continued with the Bush tax cut and the 2008 recession which further widen the gap. According to U.S senator Bernie Sanders The wealth own by the bottom 90% has been in sharp decline since 1990s ever since the tax breaks and special loopholes of Regenomics working for larger corporations instead of the American public. Suppressing labor unions, and living wages by establishing a system that prefers corporations over the public creating a huge gap between the top and bottom percentages across the board. This system of favoring the top ten and one percent over the other ninety percent is the cause of the huge income inequality in the United …show more content…

This not only is giving huge breaks towards companies who exported the U.S job market overseas, but serves as an incentive to continue to export jobs overseas due to a lesser overhead cost and tax exemptions of doing so. The Inventory Property Sales, wealth created overseas of American companies is taxed in the nation or region in where it is created, and the U.S. gives a tax credit for that amount in order to avoid double taxation. However, this exception has lead towards a huge amount of job exporting and tax evasion. Some companies have amassed disproportionate amount of such tax credits “inventory” as it is called. According to Sarah from the Financial Times “To be able utilize their inventory credits, companies artificially boost foreign income through a ‘title passage rule’ that allows companies to allocate 50 percent of income from U.S. production sold in another country as income generated by that foreign country the ‘property sales’” which leads to a further enriching of shareholders and CEO’s while passing the economic burden onto the American public. The 5 year cost to Government from just Inventory Property Sales credits is $16.7 billion. Who benefits are Multinationals with operations in high-tax foreign countries. Not to mention the continuous outsourcing of American jobs due to these loopholes that seem to incentives American corporations to leave the United States

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