
Income Tax Is The Most Significant Source Of Income

Decent Essays

Income tax is the most significant source of income in Australia and is imposed at the federal level. It is levied from three sources of the individuals: business income, capital gain and personal income. The taxable income of an individual is assessed in calculated in an abroad sense after applying allowable deductions against it. The report consists law relating to taxation applicability on funeral income and trading stock. The applicable law has been explained and the relevant sections and case law have also been discussed in the report. The connectivity between facts of questions and relevant case laws has been included in the report for a better understanding.
Part A
Task (1)
Answer (a)
Facts of the case: The fee received by RIP Ltd. is payable under 30 days invoice and the income through RIP Finance Pty Ltd who provide finance to the company is received under instalment repayment plan. The other income is received through the funeral plan in which client make a timely contribution to meet their funeral cost. In case the amount is not paid them time and completely, the received amount is retained by the company.
Applicable Provisions:
As per section 6(5) of Income Tax assessment act, assessable income comprises income according to ordinary concepts called ordinary income. In case a person is an Australian resident than the income derived directly or indirectly from all the sources is included in assessable income (Barkoczy, 2016). The facts of case Brent v FC of T71

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