
Industrial Revolution Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The Industrial Revolution was a time when there was a big increase in trade and crop growing. They had many things that helped them to increase their wages, and crop growing was one of the biggest incomes. The Industrial Revolution began in England because they had good natural resources, they had useful inventions, and they had good working strategies.
England had many great resources, which is one of the many reasons why the Industrial Revolution began there. All of their resources helped with their needs. “England’s resources circa 1700 were wool, tin, cotton, water, coal, and lead.” Doc. 1. The coal was one of the most commonly used resources because it helped to heat, the factories and the workers homes. It also helped to helped to heat the workers homes, and to give more jobs to miners. The Cotton was also another very important resource. It helped to make clothes for the workers, and they could even sell the cotton and the clothes the made out …show more content…

“Systematic thought lay behind most of the innovations in industrial practice. Invention… rarely thrives in a community of simple peasants or unskilled manual laborers: only when division of labor has developed...does it come to harvest.” Doc. 5. They put a lot of thought into the inventions that they created. Most of their inventions had to do with the improvement of the textile industry. “Changes in textile machinery [included] the flying shuttle, spinning jenny, water frame, power loom, and the cotton gin,” Doc. 6. Three of the most important were the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny, and the cotton gin. The flying shuttle and the Spinning Jenny were very important because they both increased the speed, and saved time. The Cotton gin was also important because it separated the seed from the cotton, which is one of the hardest steps. They had many great inventions, which helped to start the Industrial Revolution and to keep it

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