
Informal Reading Inventory

Decent Essays

By creating a student case report, a teacher of reading can develop a holistic understanding of a child's reading development. The benefits of keeping a case report include having diagnostic, formative, and summative data on a student's reading progress combined with anecdotal and teacher observational data which provides contextual information on the student. Therefore, allowing the educator to make more informed instructional decisions regarding a reader as well as provide the most accurate and detailed information to parents and other stakeholders (such as special education professionals or educational psychologists) as needed. With a case report, such as an Informal Reading Inventory, the educator can build on a wealth of knowledge about the readers' holistic literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary) in order to determine what the next steps will be for the reader. According to Opitz and Erekson (2015), …show more content…

This has deepened my understanding of the big 5 concepts of literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension) through understanding what criteria can be used to determinate what is effective developmental for a reader and what needs improvement. The Informal Reading Inventory is one example of this because it allows me to assess word recognition, oral and silent reading, comprehension, and literacy capacity. All of which is valuable information which I can then use as a reading teacher to determine further instructional moves. While I have yet to have a place to fully put these assessment techniques into my full practice as a first year teacher. Learning about how to properly assess these components has better equipped me to think about my students' literacy abilities and further strategize my instructional planning to meet the diversity of their literacy

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