
Infrastructure Report Card Controversy

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America has 5,540 deficient bridges alone, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Infrastructure Report Card. Every four years, ASCE provides America with an assessment including recommendations, condition, and needs for the nation’s infrastructure. In a basic A-F format, the Report Card is graded in eight main categories: capacity, condition, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience, and innovation. This report card, since 1998, has given the nation a steady D, only rising to a D+ in the 2013 report. The Report states that there is a need of 3.6 trillion dollars in investments by 2020 to raise the grade up to a B. Funding America’s infrastructure is of major controversy and debate. Starting …show more content…

I believe that allowing states to control spending and funding would put money to better use because the funds are closer to home, making the money stretch further. If state and other local governments were to fund their own projects, then the money would be put to better use because these governments would have the chance to spend wiser. For example, if a project is funded by the federal government, then the state that the money was allotted to would not be too worried about the cash flow, were the money is going. But since the money would come from the states, they would have to take the responsibility to manage their own money, which could make grass-root projects cheaper in the long run. If the States do not commit, then projects take large amounts of time, and often take years, to complete because of the delays this can create. In other words, projects are dependent on the States, and, without them, time efficiency in not enforced. The division of powers serves a large role in this controversy, in my opinion. It is widely abused in this area because the Tenth Amendment clearly states that: “[t]he powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” (“CRS…”). Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government …show more content…

The role of federal government versus state and local governments is significant in trying to find a solution to America’s problem. In my opinion, the States should assume control over funding and spending for America’s infrastructure by using the Highway Trust Fund at the local levels. I also think the federal government’s role in the issue oversteps what the Constitution has laid out. Maybe if the aspects that I claim were supported by others, then the laws would move towards what I think the laws should

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