
Internal Fraud Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

Prepare a two-to-three page case study report on the following case: COVER STORY: INTERNAL FRAUD on pages 104-106 in Chapter 4: Billing Schemes of the Fraud Examination text by Wells. Discuss the coincidences involved in this case study. Use the 2009 Global Fraud Survey (also located in Doc Sharing) for references concerning perpetrator, size of fraud, detection, and controls.

This case is about the $4 million embezzlement fraud by an employee of a magazine publisher, and how the fraud was discovered. The type of fraud discovered was a billing scheme that was found on accident. A billing scheme is, “Any scheme in which a person causes his employer to issue a payment by submitting invoices for …show more content…

In doing so, they should have had someone else transporting the approved invoices to the accounts payable department. They should have also mailed the checks out to the clients rather than having someone come collect them. According to the 2010 Global Fraud Studies, “there was a strong correlation between the perpetrator’s position of authority and the losses caused by fraud.” 3 Managers took 41% of the cases. With coincidence two, McGrane’s secretary noticed that Miano’s behavior became extravagant. From him purchasing $800 in drinks, to having 5 cars, one of which was a Mercedes, to him purchasing a 2nd home for $416,000, and him talking about a new $18,000 boat. I think the secretary should have seen it as a red flag when she noticed Miano’s behavior becoming extravagant and reported it to a higher authority. Managers should take the time to analyze the lifestyles of their employees. Unexpected and unexplained changes in lifestyle may suggest that fraud has taken place. I think the activity and responsibilities of this type of employee should be monitored. With coincidence three, a red flag should have been the fact that Miano hadn’t taken a vacation in 4 years. According to the 2010 Global Fraud Studies, “frauds committed by higher-level perpetrators also took longer to detect.” 4 The median months were 18 months to detect fraud in managers. Then to take a vacation to go gambling is

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