
Introductory Institutional-Practice Pharmacy Experience

Decent Essays

I spent my three week’s Introductory Institutional-Practice Pharmacy Experience (IPPE) from 6/12/17 to 6/30/17 at Regions Hospital in St. Paul, which turned out to be an unforgettable, eye-opening learning experience.

During this three weeks’ rotation, I shadowed several pharmacists in different areas including IV, central pharmacy, trauma, antibiotic stewardship, emergency department, medication reconciliation, medical ICU and internal medicine. All the pharmacists are friendly and willing to introduce their daily duty to me. I really appreciate the fact that Regions Hospital provides lots of opportunities for us as healthcare professional students to learn, for example, we have medicine conferences every day to attend during lunch time, where are the patients’ cases discussion. I seldom have the chance to discuss with medical …show more content…

Additionally, I enjoyed the topic discussions which held every afternoon with the discussions of different hot topics in hospitals, such as antibiotics, fluids, and electrolytes, antifungals, GI bleed, UTI, HIT, drug-related fever. After those topic discussions, I learn basic knowledge as well as know the what the difference and emphasis between lectures and practice.

Before I began my IPPE rotation at Regions Hospital, I set up five learning objectives for myself. I think overall my learning objectives are appropriate and suitable to my site. Firstly, based on my shadowing experience, I got general ideas about what different roles that pharmacists have at different

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