
Inventories Shell

Decent Essays

Current assets


The difference between net income and profits adjusted for current cost of supply comes down to the way inventories are accounted for.
The net income figure is calculated according to IFRS standards in Europe which demand ‘first-in first-out’ (FIFO) methodology for accounting inventory. Most US companies however produce based on ‘last-in first-out’ (LIFO) accounting.

Shell’s current cost of supply (CCS), however, are neither FIFO nor LIFO compliant. This means that Shell’s CCS figure are not recognized by US GAAP or IFRS. They are an industry measure only provided for in quarterly results for the benefit of investors.

Instead of the FIFO method, Shell uses a weighted cost pricing methodology for …show more content…

Overall inventory on the balance sheet is also higher for a company on FIFO than a company on LIFO in inflationary periods. The reverse holds for deflationary periods.

In other words: in an environment where prices are declining, CCS figures outperform their historical records. Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet | Current assets: | $ million | | 3rd Quarter 2009 | 3rd Quarter 2010 | Inventories | 25,420 | 28,922 | Accounts receivable | 66,966 | 62,769 | Cash and cash equivalents | 14,275 | 11,282 | Downstream | Quarter | $ million | Q3 2009 | Q3 2010 | % | | 6,121 | 6,385 | + 4 | Oil Products sales volumes (thousand b/d) | 4,723 | 5,333 | + 13 | Chemical sales volumes (thousand tonnes) |

If we take a look at the inventories and actual volumes sold during the 3rd quarter of 2010, we see increasing sales volumes and corresponding build up in inventory.
Oil Products sales volumes were 4% higher than in the third quarter of 2009. Chemical Product sales volumes in the third quarter of 2010 increased by 13% compared to the third quarter of 2009. The latter may be due to an increase in Chemicals manufacturing plant availability in 2010 compared to 2009.

Overall, Shell’s total oil-production sales rose in the period to 6,385 (thousand b/d) vs. 6,121 in the previous quarter. As for the actual crude volumes sales achieved, however, we don’t know

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