
Essay On React As Nurse Education Leaders And Interprofessional Change Agents

Decent Essays

From your readings, discuss with your peers the following:

Florence Nightingale was a leader and change agent. Unfortunately, many nurses have now become followers instead of leaders. The IOM has called for nurses to lead the change to remove barriers to the scope of practice for nurses. This will provide more opportunities for access to high quality healthcare. As a change agent for nursing education, you have been asked to participate in an interdisciplinary group to investigate the barriers and to propose how industry and academia can work together to better address needs of a changing health care industry. This may include new roles for nurses, new leadership needs, and entrepreneurial opportunities. Discuss with your peers what points you will address with the interdisciplinary group. Support your work with current research.

Here are some guiding questions to think about while preparing your points:
1. Now, with Health Care reform and IOM standards, are we preparing new graduates to be leaders and change agents?
2. How can we react as nurse education leaders and interprofessional change agents?
3. Based on what you know about innovative leadership, what are recommendations you can make to nursing education to meet the changing health care demands?

Please respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ discussion posts. In your response to your classmates, challenge their ideas and reasoning, asking open-ended questions, encouraging your classmates to further explain

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