
Is Thailand A Wonderful Country?

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So you have fallen in love with Thailand? Like so many others before you, and the thousands that will follow? For whatever reason, you have chosen to own a property in Thailand? This could be for the long term prospect of making this wonderful country your permanent home, or as a potential investment, and/or for the pleasure of having a luxury holiday home in the sun. Whatever the reason, there are certain things you need to consider before jumping head-first into a purchase.

Naturally, what seems like a great idea at the time can often change after a full investigation of the pro 's and cons? There is certainly no reason not to consider such a purchase, but like any property deal back in Europe or the USA, it is advisable to carry out due diligence beforehand. Find out the facts before you sign anything, and be sure you have covered everything before you proceed.

Thailand is a wonderful country with some beautiful beaches, an amazing climate and a very laid back approach to life. All very appealing to the foreigner just off the plane from their stressful lifestyles back in Europe or the USA. But before you sign on the dotted line of a contract, please ensure all the necessary due diligence has been carried out, as it would have been back home.

Always seek professional legal advice and get a qualified registered lawyer

The first and probably most important decision you will make is to talk to a Thai registered, qualified lawyer who is respected and/or has been highly

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