
It's Your Ship Summary

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Principle 1: Simple Things In this book “It’s Your Ship” by Captain Michael D. Abrashoff, his approach to leading his ship, USS Benfold, started with very little things. He choose to get to know his crew members and try to make them believe that Benfold was also their ship. He believed that the best way to achieve this was by getting to know his crew and making himself appear approachable; like a friend not a captain. This approach saw incredible results and was the backbone of his management style. By reaching out to his crew members he was able to boost morale and enthusiasm across the ship. This helped him create what he called the best dam ship in the navy. I believe this principle of management is critical to earning the respect of your employees. As an employee I want to feel valued. And I’ll be honest, when I don’t feel valued amongst my company my personal attitude slumps and I have less of a desire to work for the best interest of the company. This is because I believe the company means nothing to me and I have no impact towards the company so why should they benefit from my hard work. The minute this attitude spreads across a company’s workforce their production and customer service slumps. This issue is not always …show more content…

These benefits will greatly impact the ability of the company to perform at a higher level in both production and customer service. From a manager’s perspective, it will help them gain an understanding of the issues that their employees are having and try to work with them to resolve those problems. As for the employees, they will feel comfortable with their superiors and be able to communicate with them on a one on one basis thus enhancing performance. In regards to the company as a whole, they will be able to rely on general respect to resolve any issues and work better as a team for the better of the

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