
Jacksonian Era Dbq

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The Jacksonian Era was a time period in America that had been influenced by Andrew Jackson and his politics. During this time democracy began to expand as more white males were able to own property and vote. Capitalism began to see a shift in commerce from slavery to industrilization. Sectionalism was also a key component during this time because of the division between North and South regarding the topic of slavery. Finally, racism was a prominent theme throughout early America however now racial views were being critizied publicly and politically. Democratization of America happened with the help of Martin Van Buren, Buren came from a wealthy Dutch family and was a politician through and through. He designed the Democratic-Republican party …show more content…

During his presidency and afterwards there was much debate regarding the slave institution. Anger towards Jackson mounted and a political party was formed to combat him. The Whigs lead by William Henry Harrison appealed to the elite and middle class and greatly apposed Jacksonian ideas. Henry the former victor at Tippecanoe battle however after his election he would die in office. Sectionalism began to emerge with the North fighting against slavery and the South in support of it. New states coming into the union had to be balanced between being slave or free states so that the Union would not lose its upperhand in the matter. Davy Crockett was man who opposed Jackson after the expansion of the U.S into territories owned by natives. He fought the natives and made treaties with them insisting that they should be respected. He would eventually leave to Texas with his companion Sam Houston in protest to Jacksons actions. Within the conflict between North and South also brought about the issue of commerce. America was dependant on slavery to produce wealth. However during the Jacksonian Era industrialization began to rumble and the engine could be heard cranking up nationwide. With the progress being made and new job openings many began to work for the new textile companies and such. This began to make the North less dependant on the success of the …show more content…

The Trail of Tears and the Indian Removal Act was just a couple of examples of racist intentions brought about during not only Jacksons presidency but the actions of others that would follow. Slaves began to fight for their freedom and abolonistinists began to make a name for themselves. Frederick Douglass and John Brown two prominent abolonistists from ether end of the colored spectrum - Douglass, a black man and Brown a white man - lead the fight and are most infamous amongst many. Frederick Douglass escaped enslavement at a young and fleed to the North. There he learned to read and write and became a writer detailing his experiences and voicing his stance publicly against slavery. He eventually became an advisor of sorts to Lincoln and helped the President change his mind on the future of slavery. John Brown however apporached things in a different manner. He and his African American supporters took arms to rebel against slavery because he knew that such atrocity would never die on its own. He later found himself at the gallows being hung by the State of Virigna with the go-ahead from the Federal Government. Freedom for slaves was one of many, many social activist issues at the

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