
Essay on Jamestown Vs. New England Colony

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Jamestown and the Massachusetts Bay Colony had many similarities and differences. Many of these differences were due to their physical location and climatic conditions. The success of both colonies can be contributed to strong leadership and the characteristics of the personalities of the settlers that inhabited each settlement. Many of the early problems in both settlements can be contributed to a lack of knowledge on the parts of the settlers along with attacks from neighboring Native American tribes. The Jamestown colony was located near present day James City County, Virginia. Jamestown was the first permanent settlement by the English in what is in current day known as the United States. The location of Jamestown was selected …show more content…

However, before the ships reached the mouth of the James River they crossed paths with three supply ships from England. Along with much needed supplies for the fort, these three ships also carried a new leader for the colony, Thomas West who later became known as Lord Delaware. Governor West brought a new way of thinking with him and a strong determination that the colony must not be abandoned but that Jamestown represented a future for English expansion. Despite Governor West’s arrival, some people still sailed back to England. One of these people, John Rolfe, brought with him a new strain of tobacco and new marketing ideas. In the end, John Rolfe ended up affecting Jamestown as much as Governor West’s arrival had. (jamestown virginia) The Massachusetts Bay colony was an east coast colony near current day Boston. The Massachusetts Bay colony was formed as a Puritan settlement. (Massachussettes bay) Most of the original 400 settlers of the colony were Puritans. The colony celebrated its first Thanksgiving on July 8, 1629. After this, the Massachusetts Bay colony had a period of continual growth and expansion due to many ministers reacting to the oppressive religious policies of England. (the Massachusetts Bay Colony wikipedia) Many Puritan ministries developed due in part to the influx of puritans that vastly dominated

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