
Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello, The Moor Of Venice

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The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice was written in 1604 by William Shakespeare in the Elizabethan era. This dramatic play centers around the two conflicting characters of the honorable, but soon to be unethical Othello whose life and marriage are ruined by his military partner and so called “friend”, Iago. He is a conniving, deceitful, and envious soldier. We are introduced into a web of a world entangled with lies, jealousy, and ultimately tragedy. The theme of jealousy is what took many forms, from warfare competition to sexual and emotional distrust, ending in destruction of the characters affected. Jealousy is defined as an emotion that causes feelings ranging from fear of abandonment to anger and humiliation. It can also be referred to the act of envying someone for their looks, accomplishments, or even having something you don’t, but want. Edward Quinn’s article “Jealousy” describes how in literature, jealousy usually makes reference to a character, who has a lover or spouse, fearing for disloyalty and having an …show more content…

Iago has been turned down for promotion to be the lieutenant of Othello (a military commander employed by the Venetian state) by Cassio, Othello’s new lieutenant. Because of this, Iago becomes jealous of Cassio’s lieutenancy and Othello’s success in life, and believes he should have what Othello has; a young, beautiful wife, commander of the military, power over Venice etc,. He takes out his anger of jealousy towards many characters, especially Othello, to eventually ruin his life in every way possible. Iago explains how he hates Othello but will pretend to love him while maliciously plotting his downfall. This leads to many acts of destruction by Roderigo, Othello, and the source of it all, Iago; all done as a result of poor judgements and uncontrollable jealousy taking over their

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