
Jean Watson Nursing Theorist Paper

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Jean Watson: Nursing Theorist Jean Watson was quite the theorist. She believed that the patient is more than “just” a patient but a person who should be looked at in a holistic perspective. Jean Watson developed the Caritas Processes which contains a guideline for putting heart filled care in action in the nursing field. Caritas meaning to cherish.
Three Key Points Jean Watson had several key points in her theory that reflect back on caring for the patient. The three key points that are of the most importance are the Caritas Processes, transpersonal caring relationship, and the caring moment or caring occasion.
Caritas Processes The caritas process has matured immensely since the first caritas factors were created. In the caritas process there are ten factors that express the guidelines …show more content…

Transpersonal caring includes a deeper relationship in order to heal and enhance the human dignity. As Watson said herself, the transpersonal nurse has the ability to center consciousness and intentionality on caring, healing, and wholeness, rather than on disease, illness and pathology. (Watson, p. 7)
Caring Moment A caring moment is a heart filled encounter with another individual where the interaction is authentic and meaningful. Caring is an important part of nursing and must be taken very seriously in order for this theory to work. The patient needs to understand that the nurse is there to help in a time of need, but also is there on a caring level.
Intriguing and Meaningful This particular theory intrigues me because it gives nursing a sense of compassion and caring. It offers advice to nurses coming into this field about what they are becoming. The meaningful part of this theory is the fact that everyone is not just treated equally, but everyone is treated to their specific situation in accordance to their needs.

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