
Essay on Jean Watson Theory of Caring Nur/403

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This paper will present and discuss Jean Watson nursing theorist and her renowned Watsons Theory of Caring. The key concepts will be described as how it relates to the nurse patient relationship. The carative factors of health, person, nursing and environment will be discussed in its relation to the theory. Jean Watson is a living legend to nursing and is still practicing her” caritas” and continues to speak to audiences in the US as well as worldwide. Jean Watson was born in West Virginia US and obtained her first degree of BSN in 1964 from the University of Colorado, MS in 1966 and PhD in 1973 from the same university. She is the Dean of Nursing at the University Health Sciences Center and President of the National League for Nursing. …show more content…

She speaks minimal English but has started english lessons with her foster mother since her arrival 4 weeks ago. Her birth defect was caused by the drug thalidomide taken by her mother while pregnant. The result for Karina was being born without hands or feet. She appeared to have had a bilateral hand and foot amputations. The nurse approached Karina’s bedside and observed a very frightened young girl that looked more as though she was an innocent 14 year old rather than 20 with long shiny black hair, large frightened chocolate brown eyes with a tentative smile on her face. With very broken Spanish, the nurse introduced herself and placed a light hand on Karina’s shoulder and gained direct eye contact and said “good morning Karina, I will be your nurse today and I will be here for you all day”. With the gentle exhale of breath and a nod of her head she understood what was said. The nurse remarked to herself the extent of the patient’s deformity and the unusualness of it. This portrays Watson’s carative factor numbers two and 10 (Alligood 2010). When the nurse meets and greets the patient for the first time, the caring relationship commences. At that time, the patient is viewed as a whole being which encompasses the soul the transpersonal relationship starts. The soul, according to Watson has great capacity and strength to overcome

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