
Jenae Graves 'Business Time'

Decent Essays

Business Time
Jenae Graves

Short quirky film about some pretty odd stuff Business is a nice lesson on trust.
Kati Skelton wrote this funny surreal little film about an older businessman Jonath an (Peter Rezinkoff), who meets young man, Johnathan (Branson Reese). After meeting in a funky night club the two share a meal. After a toast (poured by Matt Dennie) Jonathan (Rezinkoff) then invites Jonathan (Reese) to be part of his company while he takes a quick trip. Before knowing the details of his new job, Jonathan (Reese) accepts. The weeks fly by and Jonathan (Reese) takes to his job with minimal training. He is to tend to Jonathan's (Rezinkoff) wife. The wife, Marcia (Dagmar Stansova) is a woman used to certain treatment. When Jonathan (Rezinkoff) returns from his trip he has a reaction to Jonathan's work. The consequences are dire and over the top. Jonathan (Reese) now out of a job, and other things, ambles on to find another life path. The short is only eight minutes long and a synopsis would just give away too much. Skelton has done other note-worthy things to achieve this film that warrant a thorough breakdown. …show more content…

Relatively reminiscent of all the films that have to do with meeting a business owner and being given the reigns to run it while the big boss is out of town. Then them coming back and being unhappy with the work they have delegated. Sending the person back to whatever life they had preceding the meeting. In Business the drama is there. The crazy is very there. The stakes are so high. It is very intoxicating to watch. Rezinkoff and Reese are amusing to watch as they are clearly different kinds of men. Rezinkoff is clearly a wacky Jonathan. Reese on the other hand is a scared little Jonathan perhaps still finding his footing in life. The two play-off each other very

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