
Jewish Identity Research Paper

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A History of the Soviet Jew in Israel
The idea of Israel as a place of refuge for Soviet Jews has a troubled history. Israel has always encouraged and assisted immigration and absorption as part of a pro-immigration ideology and policy. Israel is a safe-haven for Jews. However, the heavy migration of the Soviet Jews into Israel caused Israelis to rethink their past . The immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel brought significant social and cultural changes to Israel in terms of the historical question about the nature of Jewish identity, as well as put Judaism itself into question. The question, “who is a Jew?” formed the basis of historical claims about the religious nature of legal Jewish identity. The Soviet Jews faced cultural displacement …show more content…

This law was originally passed and was to be applied only to Jews who fit the halakhic definition: A person is Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish, or if he or she converts to Judaism (*). This was eventually extended in 1970 to Jewish ancestry and their spouses. The Law of Return emphasized the deep rootedness of Judaism. Although they are dispersed around the world, Jews will always have a tie to their Israeli home. Jewish culture held strong ties to family which explains why the right for Jews to gain citizenship to Israel is imperative. The ban on migrating from the Soviet Union took away the rights given to Jews by the state, which is another reason why lifting the ban was …show more content…

However, Israeli Jews pride themselves on high moral standards and a policy of acceptance, factors that caused them to question their judgment of the Soviet Jewish immigrants today. Israeli hostility towards Russian immigrants can be seen in stereotypes and myths. Israelis think that the new wave of immigrants are handicapped and are trying to exploit Israel. Russians are also stereotyped as thieves and prostitutes (*).Youth are influenced by their elders. Since mature Israelis projected negative ideas about Russian immigrants it became prevalent in their children. In a survey conducted by Hafia University, two-thirds of Israeli teenagers polled stated that they would not be close friends with a Russian immigrant and believe that Russian immigrants take jobs from Israeli Jews (*). Undefined Jewish credentials upset Israelis as well because of their Jewish

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