
Jodi Arias: Who Kills Guilty?

Decent Essays

“The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but the one who causes the darkness.” Jodi Arias was charged for murdering her ex-boyfriend. Arias said she killed him using self-defence after he tried to “rape” her. The Jodi case is important because no one had proof on whether she had lied about Alexander trying to rape her or, she had raped and killed him purposely. It really seemed like she wanted him back when he no longer had feelings for her and took it to far. Arias killed Alexander and left him in his stand-up shower seen to be naked. According to,“If the prosecution cannot prove premeditation, Arias could still be convicted of second-degree murder, commanding 10 to 22 years in prison.” In other words if no one can prove Arias …show more content…

The article from ABCnews states, “Jodi Arias has been sentenced to a natural life sentence without possibility of parole.” In other words Jodi will be spending the rest of her life in prison where she will learn that killing people is a bad idea until you're sure they were trying to kill you. The verdict is fair because no person should be able to walk away from murder that’s brutal, especially if you can't tell whether they did it intentionally or for self-defense. According to ABCnews, "If Jodi Arias were accused of the crime of lying, I could not stand before you and say she's not guilty of that crime, but nowhere in your jury instructions are you asked to convict Jodi Arias of lying" This means No one could tell weather Jodi had lied about using self-defense because their was no evidence that said otherwise. If the victim cannot be proved from first degree murder, they have to be innocent, or charged with second degree murder. If the investigators had more evidence on Arias killing Travis, she would’ve been charged with first degree murder. The punishment was fair because Jodi shouldn't have killed Travis. He had a better background than she did, whereas she had already been stalking him and showing great jealousy. The website of ABCnews states, “After hearing tearful statements from Alexander's sisters, the court also heard Arias' mother asking for leniency, and then Arias' final plea to receive the possibility of parole in 25 years.” In other words at least some people were relieved to hear that Arias went to jail after what she did to Travis. People reacted this way because the majority of people felt like murder was a big deal, and Travis was a good man as far as his family and friends said. Upon learning the verdict and punishment one would may believe that Arias deserved to go to prison for a murder that was far to come by. To finish, as

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