
Journal of Health Organization and Management

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The issue I have chosen is the relationship between HRM and organisationa,l and individual performance within the NHS. I have used two academic research based journals Baluch et al, (2013) in the Journal of Human Resource Management and Hyde et al, (2013) in the Journal of Health Organization and Management. Despite researching a similar field of study, the authors used different research methodologies.
HRM and performance is part of a wide-ranging area of study in this field. The advancement of theory and research on links between HRM and performance started in the 1980s.There has been a lack of consensus in developing a theory of HRM and performance, (Guest et al, 2012). Boselie et al, (2005) determined that up until his review RBV …show more content…

(Baluch et Al, 2013)
The methods used to conduct the research consisted of a sample of combined data from three sources. Two were cross sectional surveys, one of which was the National Staff Survey; another was The NHS Acute Inpatient Survey and finally Department of health archival data. The sample was taken from of all 167 trusts in England, each trust consisting of up to 10 different hospitals in their geographical area. From this, a random sample was drawn from each trust. The overall response rates from the Surveys was 51 to 53 %, which equated to over 400 responses per trust. (Baluch et Al, 2013) Key advantages of these methods are the volume of information that can be gathered and the data can be easily compared (Anderson, 2005,) however cross–sectional surveys can only represent what the respondent was thinking at that particular time, it is simply a snapshot. (Stacks, 2010), thus, it is not possible to infer causality (Legge, 2005). Controls were put in place to mitigate against common method bias as it is seen as a key threat to the validity of quantitative research findings on which inductive theory relies. (Reio, T. G. 2010).This was done by having the source of the dependant variable differ from that used to measure the HR system. (Baluch et al, 2013)
Hyde et Al (2013) used an interpretivist inductive approach using primary research, interpretivist researchers are concerned with perceptions of individuals, and it is more

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